大阪堺市のDtree galleryさんで6月に開催する展示会のDMを製作しました。


We produced a DM for an exhibition to be held in June at Dtree gallery in Sakai, Osaka.


そのちょっと人気なDMはさっそくDtree galleryの林さんにお渡ししています。そして今週末からも素敵な展示会が始まるそうなのでぜひお店へ足を運んでみてくださいね。


It is more DIY spirit than before, but it is a little popular (with 2.3 people).

We have already handed over the popular DM to Ms. Hayashi of Dtree gallery. And we hear that a wonderful exhibition will start this weekend, so please visit the store.

